Can I write more than 250 words for task 1?

Yes, you can write more than 250 words. There is no word limit for task 1 or 2. However, for task 1 academic, the question specifically asks you to summarise by selecting the main features. This means if you are writing about everything, then you are not fulfilling the requirements of the question.

What you are supposed to do is to find the most significant information within the data, and report on it. If you are reporting on insignificant things, it means you are not selecting the main features, and you might end up writing way too much without any benefit.

Official Band Descriptors for Task 1

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  1. pls check this. As task the question will be misleading, 250 words for task 1?it seems that you interchanged the task. Task 1 is 150 and Task 2 is 250. 250 words for task 1 is way too much. Check before you post as there are a lot of people who will be mislead by this-IELTS Arizona

    1. Thanks. Please read the article. I explained that writing too much might limit marks for TA due to not following the task instructions (summarise by selecting and reporting the key features), and focusing too much on detail.


© IELTS Writing Prep
Maira Gall